Friday, May 25, 2007

Ashy Expectations

When you start out on a blog, you search for things that will fit your daily post. The way you look at things changes since you are always looking for a story. Today I stumbled upon a name John Ash and found a poem of his on Sonnets at 4 A.M.

The poem called 'Streets' has some interesting lines:

What could be going on in the mind of the young,upwardly mobile person shopping for vitamins and beansprouts
hard by The First National Church of the Exquisite Panic?

I'm the young upwardly mobile person too searching for my destiny too in the screen of this computer and the four claustrophobic walls of my apartment in a crooked alley by a noisy street.

Ah, streets where are you taking us?

Really where is life taking us? I'm kind of excited about John Ash's poetry. You might find this review from the Guardian to be an interesting one.

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